Beth Branchaw

I am a marketing communications and web development profesional based in Seattle with extensive experience working within higher education, healthcare, and non-profit environments. I have a passion for the application of Universal Design principles to improve web accessibility for all. My profesional interests are focusd on UX design, Content Strategy, and Information Architecture.


Eat Your Greens radish logo

Eat Your Greens

An AngularJS application built using Yeoman, Bootstrap, and SASS that performs a plant-based recipe search powered by Edamam API.

Site Code

RescueFinder cat in repose


An AngularJS application built using Yeoman, Bootstrap, and SASS that uses a PetFinder API to call animal shelter locations by zip code.

Site Code

user science journal blog header image of vintage pacman game

User Science Journal

A WordPress blog site documenting usability analysis and experiments.


the mix tape website logo

The MixTape

A website built with Bootstrap that uses YouTube API to a call playlist curated by a guest DJ.

Site Code

weather web app cloudy sky image

Weather App

An AngularJS application built using Yeoman, Bootstrap, and SASS that uses a Weather API to call local weather data by city name.

Site Code

API superstore logo

API Superstore

A website built with Bootstrap that includes embedded media.

Site Code